Pozdrav z Ameriky
Pozdrav z Ameriky

Na skvělé výkony současné šesťácké modrotiskové manufaktury reagovala tento týden i ta z nejpovolanějších – oceňovaná americká chemička a voršilská sestra Mary Virginia Orna, která naši školu navštívila v roce 2019. 88 letá vědkyně, emeritní profesorka chemie z College of New Rochelle, která obdržela řadu cen za chemii a účast v celosvětovém výzkumu, napsala i spolu s velikonočním přáním nám všem: Dear friends, Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work with me - this must give the students a great deal of satisfaction - such lovely personal, unique, and as you mention, RARE works of art. I hope that you have not been affected too much by the war - I know that the countries on the border of Ukraine have felt the brunt - I heard from many sisters in Slovakia and Poland about their welcoming of refugees into their communities. I pray for peace every day. And for an end to the terrible bloodshed. Thanks for the greetings from all the school faculty and staff - I treasure the memories of my visits with you. And may you all have a blessed Easter season,

Sr Mary Virginia


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Základní škola sv. Voršily v Olomouci

77900 Aksamitova 707/6

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e-mail: info@zcsol.cz

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