• Výuka probíhá 14:30 - 15:15.
Domácí práce
  • domácí práce na 12. 2.: Make up a dialogue about what you learnt about Australia.
  • domácí práce na 29. 1.: Find out about the items noted down in your notebooks concerning Australia and present them.
  • domácí práce na 28. 1.: Hw 29/8,9; test: can/could/may/might.
  • domácí práce na 8. 1.: Speak about your Xmas holidays.
  • domácí práce na 18. 12.: Prepare 5 min. Xmas activity for your mates.
  • domácí práce na 11. 12.: Play the scene of St. Nicholas at a family summing up the kid´s year´s behaviour.
  • domácí práce na 4. 12.: Fill in the Factfile (also enclosed) and make up a dialogue with your mate about most interesting facts. qPersonal Factfile.
  • domácí práce na 27. 11.: Hand in Schools Comparison if you haven´t done it yet. Speak about your (grand)parents experience of the Velvet revolution.
  • domácí práce na 20. 11.: Hand in your comparative findings of Delaware vs Olomouc in a form of a project/presentation enclosed with appropriate pictures (maps/flags/photos etc.). Speak about the meaning of Velvet Revolution in Czech lands.
  • domácí práce na 13. 11.: Present your findings and compare our and Wilmington school/region according to projects enclosed. qDelaware Czechia project facts --- qeast coast --- qUA 2 group --- qUrsuline Academy Delaware Info Part 1 --- qUS CZ Comparison --- qWilmigton, Delaware.
  • domácí práce na 6. 11.: Make up a dialogue/monologue comparing Czech and US school system (periods/clothing/schedule/grades/subjects/compulsory/electives/exams ets.).
  • domácí práce na 23. 10.: Design a leaflet of chosen Olomouc topic (history, geography, sights, fountains, churches, culture, sport, restaurants).
  • domácí práce na 2. 10.: Prepare our school presentation for Ursuline Academy students (A4 project or PC presentation).
  • domácí práce na 25. 9.: Prepare a form consisting of 10 sophisticated questions (omitting name and age) you´d like to ask Ursuline Academy students.
  • domácí práce na 18. 9.: Find out 3 pieces of information about Ursuline academy in Delaware, USA, visiting their webpage ursuline.org.


  • domácí práce na 11. 9.: Speak about your summer holidays (accompany it with either photos, presentation or a souvenir).

Zítřejší oběd:
polévka kapustová, mexický guláš, dušená rýže, jogurt, mléko, sirup, voda

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